Possible applications of Cuvitru® in secondary immunodeficiency - Ep. 4

In the last podcast episode we leave the topic of primary immunodeficiency (PID) and dive with Dr. med. Urs Steiner into the application of Cuvitru®, our subcutaneous immunoglobulin, in the treatment of secondary immunodeficiency (SID), with a focus on the positive effects of Cuvitru® on the patient's quality of life.



Practical experience with Cuvitru® - Ep. 3

In the third episode, Prof. Mike Recher shares his great experiences in the treatment with subcutaneous immunoglobulins (SCIGs). He gives practical advice regarding treatment, background information on antibody levels during treatment and a small outlook on treatment with HyQvia®, a SCIG preparation with an innovative mechanism of action.



Transition from pediatrics to adult medicine - Ep. 2

Patricia Luck and PD Dr. med. Johannes Trueck address the opportunities and challenges in the handover of adolescent patients from pediatrics to adult medicine, provide insight into the individual phases of the transition process and which measures have proven successful.



Use of Cuvitru® in children with PID - Ep. 1

Nursing specialist Myriam Osswald explains how our subcutaneous immunoglobulin Cuvitru® is used in children with primary immunodeficiency and how the affected families can live a less complicated everyday life through self-administration despite the drastic diagnosis.



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